Welcome to our Amberbama page!

The pictures here are just a few of the ones I took during the five day stay in Birmingham, AL, for the premiere screening of Amber Benson's much-anticipated Chance. These will have to do for now. lol Enjoy!

In the meantime, if you'd like, you can see my Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy entries. The first one is called Surviving Egos: a Guide to Film Festivals. The second is called Chance - the film.

All pictures are copyright 2002 Kimyoo Films. Please contact me at KimyooFilms@aol.com for permission and information. Thank you! - Lori, a.k.a. Magenta.

This is the theatre where Chance debuted.

This is the inside of the theatre. It's huge and beautiful. Above me, there's a balcony.

These are the Amberholics. (I'm not posting names because I don't know screen names and I don't know if these folks are entirely comfortable with their real names out there with their picture.)

This is all of the Amberholics with Amber Benson in the middle.

Amber Benson during the Q&A after Chance. Poor thing was nervous and had a migraine...

Amber and her mother Diane. Ma Benson is SO awesome...her attitude and personality is so much like my own mommy's.

From left: Amber Benson, (far back is Amber's security guard), co-producer Mary Brezovich, Amber's mom Diane Benson, actor Jeff Ricketts, and director of photography Patrice Cochet. The only one not pictured is composer Aaron Fruchtman. He was too far to the side.

This is a scan of a picture that appeared in the Monday Birmingham Post-Herald (in the blue box) of the Nobodies - those of us who couldn't afford the Somebody V.I.P. passes to go to parties and awards ceremonies. I'm in the middle in black.

This is another picture of the Nobodies, this time taken in the ceiling of the Alabama Theatre lobby as we waited for our wristbands.